Utilize esta seção caso o Carregador de Inicialização apareça quando você inicia o Tails mas a Tela de Boas-vindas não.

Verifique o seu pendrive USB com Tails

  1. Wait 2–3 minutes and try again. Some USB sticks need some rest after installing.

  2. Try all other USB ports on the computer. Some USB ports cannot be used to start from.

  3. Certifique-se de ter instalado Tails usando uma das seguintes formas:

  4. Make sure that you have verified your download of Tails.

  5. Make sure that you have verified your download.

  6. Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

    Try to install again on the same USB stick.

  7. Try to install on a different USB stick.

  8. Try to use the same USB stick to start on a different computer.

Tente a opção Troubleshooting Mode

No Carregador de Inicialização escolha a opção Troubleshooting Mode, que funciona melhor em alguns computadores.

Tente a opção External Hard Disk

No Carregador de Inicialização, escolha a opção External Hard Disk, caso esteja disponível. Alguns pendrives USB precisam desta opção para conseguir iniciar o Tails.

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