Install an intermediary Tails using balenaEtcher

  1. Open Finder and choose balenaEtcher in Applications.

    Open the balenaEtcher download.

    At the security warning, confirm that you want to open balenaEtcher.

    balenaEtcher starts.

    If balenaEtcher does not start, restart Windows and try again.

  2. Plug in the USB stick on which you want to install Tails. the intermediary Tails.

    The Persistent Storage of your Tails USB stick will not be copied to the temporary Tails.

  3. Click the Flash from file button.

    Choose the USB image that you downloaded earlier.

    Make sure that the USB image is called tails-amd64-6.2.img and has an .img file extension.

    If the image has an .iso file extension, it is the wrong image. Please go back to the download step. download step. download step. download step.

  4. Click the Select target button to select your USB stick.

    All the data on this USB stick will be lost.

  5. Click Flash.

    Enter your password if you are asked for it.

    The installation takes a few minutes.

    After installing Tails, balenaEtcher verifies the installation.

    If the verification of balenaEtcher fails, try to install again or try using a different USB stick.

  6. Close balenaEtcher.

    If a notification about the USB stick not being readable appears, click Eject to eject the USB stick.