This release fixes the security vulnerability in the JavaScript engine of Firefox and Tor Browser announced on May 24.

This release was delayed from May 31 to June 5 because of a delay in the release of Tor Browser 11.0.14.

Cambios y actualizaciones

Tor Connection assistant

Tails 5.1 includes many improvements to the Tor Connection assistant:

  • The Tor Connection assistant now automatically fixes the computer clock if you choose to connect to Tor automatically.

    This makes is much easier for people in Asia to circumvent censorship.

    Tails learns the current time by connecting to the captive portal detection service of Fedora, which is used by most Linux distributions. This connection does not go through the Tor network and is an exception to our policy of only making Internet connections through the Tor network.

  • The time displayed in the top navigation uses the time zone selected when fixing the clock in the Tor Connection assistant.

    In the future, we will make it possible to change the displayed time zone for everybody from the desktop (#10819) and store it in the Persistent Storage (#12094).

  • The last screen of the Tor Connection assistant makes it clear whether you are connected using Tor bridges or not.

    Connected to Tor successfully with bridges

Unsafe Browser and captive portals

  • We wrote a new homepage for the Unsafe Browser when you are not connected to the Tor network yet. This new version makes it easier to understand how to sign in to the network using a captive portal.

    Example of captive portal: Free Wi-Fi hotspot

  • Tails now asks for confirmation before restarting when the Unsafe Browser was not enabled in the Welcome Screen. This prevents losing work too easily.


  • Associate OpenPGP files with Kleopatra in the Files browser.

    You can now double-click on .gpg files to decrypt them.

  • Add Kleopatra to the Favorites applications.

Software incluido

  • Update tor to

  • Update Tor Browser to 11.0.14.

  • Update Thunderbird to 91.9.

  • Update the Linux kernel to 5.10.113. This should improve the support for newer hardware: graphics, Wi-Fi, and so on.

Problemas arreglados

  • Remove the automatic selection of the option Configure a bridge when rolling back from the option to hide that you are connecting to Tor. (#18546)

  • Give the same instructions on both screens where you have to configure a bridge. (#18596)

  • Help rename the default KeePassXC database to open it automatically in the future. (#18966)

  • Fix sharing files using OnionShare from the Files browser. (#18990)

    Share via OnionShare

  • Disable search providers in the Activities overview: files, calculator, and terminal. (#18952)

Para más detalles, lee nuestro registro de cambios.

Problemas conocidos

Nada concreto para esta versión.

Mira la lista de problemas duraderos.

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What's coming up?

Tails 5.2 is scheduled for June 28.